Tuesday, May 12, 2020
The Ethical Dilemma Of Pornography - 1162 Words
Benchmark Assignment: Ethical Dilemmas Humanity has struggled with determining the best option to solve their ethical dilemmas that they run into in their life. Analyzing and determining the best option to take can leave an individual lost in faith and building a relationship with God. Building a God foundation in your life will help you in every ethical dilemma that you face. The only way to solve an ethical dilemma with viewing pornography is to view the dilemma according to a Christian worldview and compare different options to solve the ethical dilemma. Ethical Dilemma Pornography is an ethical decision that many people face every day. In this ethical dilemma, TJ enjoys masturbating to internet pornography inside his house†¦show more content†¦You are also made in Gods image and should take care of your health, if your ethical dilemma is affecting your health then it is not aligning with your relationship with God. A second Christian worldview belief is the other morel law that Jesus stated was one of th e greatest, You shall love your neighbor as yourself (Lecture 6, 2017). The love TJ has for internet pornography has blurred his view that he should treat pornography actors the same way he would want to be treated. And when TJ is contributing to the success of the company producing pornography he is potentially contributing to the negative health of the individuals in the films. A third Christian worldview belief is that you, Do not commit adultery (Exodus 20:14). As stated in Proverbs 29:3, The man who loves wisdom brings joy to his father, but whoever associates with prostitutes wastes his wealth. Therefore, when TJ is watching pornography, he is not building a relationship with God and is instead wasting the potential of wisdom. Resolution The first step that TJ should do is to understand that God rescued people from the grips of Hell by sending Jesus Christ His Son to die for our sins. Then TJ needs to accept Christ and repent his sins of watching internet pornography so that he may have salvation with God’s justification of TJ’s acceptance. TJ then needs to live a life filled with obedience to God sShow MoreRelatedSexual Ethics Essay1160 Words  | 5 PagesEssay Outline Thesis – Multiple outlooks have been taken on the ethics of pornography, and the means by which it may either negatively influence power in sexuality, or actually provide some sort of social value and worth. These different ethical perspectives display the flaws in the industry and what it represents; yet they also end up proving the fact that it can be modified with positive influence and that pornography is not something to be deemed utterly unethical. Intro – Power and sexualityRead MoreEthical Dilemas1230 Words  | 5 PagesEthical Dilemmas Choose only one of the ethical dilemmas below to address in your essay. The questions at the end of each dilemma are intended for you to reflect on. 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