Sunday, May 3, 2020

Clinical Appraisal of Qualitative Research †

Question: Discuss about the Clinical Appraisal of Qualitative Research. Answer: Introduction: The scholar adopted qualitative research procedure in order to conduct the study. The study aimed at analysing views of older patients to obtain dignified care in hospitals. In order to conduct the study, data in form of interview was conducted across 17 wards of London acute healthcare from 3 hospitals (Tauber-Gilmore,, 2017). The research design was appropriate for the purpose of data collection and arriving at conclusion related to the study. Research design can be correlational, descriptive, semi-experimental, review, experimental and meta-analytic in nature. The scholar here attempted at evaluating an important field relative to the study, however was not effective in catering to aims and goals of the study. The research design adopted for the study was comprehensive but did not include quantitative techniques or testing of hypothesis for drawing conclusive remarks related to the study. For this study descriptive study is adopted where survey method is followed, for this study. This research design management has been effective in achieving aims of the research. However, dignity is a complex concept in itself hence this study has been effective in achieving recommendations related to it. Recruitment strategy used in this study was appropriate for achieving aims of the research. Patients in the project were asked to participate in the discussion to provide feedback in information sheet (Baillie, 2009). Staff interview regarding their treatment to patients were recruited by snowballing technology. The scholar continued to recruit interviewees till data saturation was achieved. Each participant to the study was asked permission prior to their taking part in the rese arch procedure. Moreover, all participants to the study were asked questions at their convenience and within their convenient locations. As patients were interviewed beside their bed at their suitable timing. Staffs were asked questions when they were in staff offices. Data collection process used by the scholar was conducted in a manner such that the research issue can be attended. Data that was collected form patients was done so at their convenience in their rooms bedside as they requested (Tadd,, 2011). Staffs during the process of data collection were interviewed in their private offices and not in any public space. Prior appointment with permission was obtained from patients and staffs which suited with the theme of the study. As the primary focus of the study was to understand dignity of patients, therefore this way was an appropriate method in data collection. The data analysis method adopted for this study is qualitative research procedure. The data collected by the study was sufficiently all rigorous in nature, the scholar had selected sample of participants of patients and staffs from across all departments. The participants in the study readily accepted and acknowledged to participate and provide feedback, which is the reason that sufficiently rigorous involved. The study moreover included data from each ward of patients across hospitals in London, which was sufficiently rigorous for the scholar to collect. Questions asked by the scholar were cove red almost all aspect related to dignity in care. However, data analysis procedure adopted for the study was only qualitative in nature. Which proves that inspite of data collection being rigorous in nature, data analysis techniques were not at all rigorous. The scholar could have adopted data collection and analysis procedure that was more rigorous in nature to arrive at detailed findings re lated to the study. The scholar has been able to establish rather delusional outcomes related to the study. Meaning that dignity was identified and its impacts along with organizational dignity and culture were established (Bridges,, 2013). Yet, insufficient data was obtained related to training on dignity care or care of older people related to dignity. The concept of dignified care being complex in nature had not been analysed fully. Respondents especially staffs as nurses felt that they had knowledge pertaining to dignity care, however was unable to reflect on ways that dignified care could be improved for individuals as old patient care and for overall organizational levels. There have been inconsistent results related to outcomes of dignified care as a variety of outcomes have been obtained from nurses and older people in order to ensure dignified care in older people. It is integral for every research to establish a clear statement of findings at the end, which was not possible with this re search management. The scholars had not been able to successfully arrive at research findings related to the study. The research is extremely valuable as it is related to dignity care in older people. It has been able to provide qualitative outcomes related to dignity care (Matiti,, 2008). However, the research has not been able to encompass any quantitative data analysis for the study, hence the results are not clearly understood as against the aims of the study. There are a lot studies focused on understanding impacts on dignity care on patients in hospital in old care. There are various factors that needs to be evaluated as training provided to nurses and care that older people get across hospitals in London. The concept of dignity is a complex within itself, it was also reflected form the fact by the way staffs and patients reacted towards it. This study had accommodated the concept of training for the purpose of attending dignity in patient care with regular freshers. Training of freshers reflects a crucial variable that is connected to older peoples care for long-term improvements in dignified levels of care. But major criticism of the study that had been covered includes areas related to deficiency in staffs and workload that impacts attitudes of staffs resulting in un-dignified care of older people. Though this study is conducted in extremely valuable field of study ye it has not been effective to cater to its aims in a successful manner. Meaning that the scholars in this research work have not been successful in conducting study to gather quantitative facts and information related to the study. The scholar has merely collected data and information of qualitative nature and then deducted findings from it. The study does not cover a wide range of area of research for arriving at a more conclusive research and findings for the study. References Lists Baillie, L., 2009. Patient dignity in an acute hospital setting: a case study.International journal of nursing studies,46(1), pp.23-37. Bridges, J., Nicholson, C., Maben, J., Pope, C., Flatley, M., Wilkinson, C., Meyer, J. and Tziggili, M., 2013. Capacity for care: meta?ethnography of acute care nurses' experiences of the nurse?patient relationship.Journal of Advanced Nursing,69(4), pp.760-772. Matiti, M.R. and Trorey, G.M., 2008. Patients expectations of the maintenance of their dignity.Journal of clinical nursing,17(20), pp.2709-2717. Tadd, W., Hillman, A., Calnan, S., Calnan, M., Bayer, T. and Read, S., 2011. Right place-wrong person: dignity in the acute care of older people.Quality in Ageing and Older Adults,12(1), pp.33-43. Tauber?Gilmore, M., Addis, G., Zahran, Z., Black, S., Baillie, L., Procter, S. and Norton, C., 2017. The views of older people and health professionals about dignity in acute hospital care.Journal of clinical nursing.

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