Monday, September 30, 2019
Flexible work options Essay
With our personal lives busier than ever, offering flexible work options to your employees could be the best way to keep the good ones around. By offering flexible work options, such as flextime, it will allow employees more family time, go back to school, if desired, to further education, as well as decrease absenteeism at work. Now, who wouldn’t want a job that offered the time allowed to do those kind of things? I know I would. Flexible work hours allow employees more time with their family. It allows more time to spend with their children, and to attend all school programs and plays. It allows a parent the opportunity to be able to take their child to school, and go back to pick them up from school. This makes for happy children which makes for happy parents, which in turn, makes for a happy employee. Happy parents working flexible schedules, are more productive at work and produce better quality of care. Not only does it allow for family time, but employees working flexible work hours are able to return to school on their own, and pursue that college degree they have always wanted. Not only does it allow to obtain a college degree, it allows one to go back to school to further the degree they already obtain. Working flextime allows the time to go back to school without interrupting the work schedule at work. This allows a person to work full time and attend school. Flextime allows the ability for employers to retain key, dedicated employees whose personal needs conflict with traditional work hours. By offering flextime, you’ll gain increased productivity and worker satisfaction, along with decreased absenteeism and turnover; all great money-savers for the company. Flextime helps create a happier, more satisfying workplace, too. Because employees are often so glad that their employers are willing to allow for a work-life time adjustment, they tend to work harder and in a more dedicated fashion to hold on to their now-perfect schedule and re-balance their lives, and actually enjoy coming to work. This is why no one calls-in to work. They love it. To keep happy employees, employers, fathers, mothers, or the entire family, offering flextime is the way to go. It allows for so many benefits, neither one can go wrong with working flexible work hours. It will produce happy parents, happy children, and happy employers. Work progress will improve so much as well as the quality of work provided. With the busy lives of people and everything that is required of some of them, flextime is the best way to go. Going with flextime makes everyone happy. Yay for flextime.
Sunday, September 29, 2019
Comparing And Contrasting Clear Felling And Selection System Environmental Sciences Essay
C. s. foresters use different Silvicultural systems in order to handle woods throughout its life. A silvicultural system can be defined as the procedure of be givening, reaping and renewing a wood. Forests and forest bases are treated, tended, harvested and regenerated utilizing different techniques. Felling of bases is a common intervention in order to reap lumber, to derive some net income but besides in order to renew woods. Based on the forest direction objectives a Forester or a forest proprietor can follow different silvicultural systems. During the past old ages a base was managed with the chief aim of lumber harvest home ( wood wood merchandises ) and a higher direct net income. Nowadays, due to the enhanced cognition and consciousness of the complexness of the environment and besides due to the consciousness of people for their quality of life, bases are non managed merely for lumber production but besides for ecological and resource aims. This includes clime alteration, quality of life, agreeableness and diversion, national and planetary pacts and ordinances / Torahs, conservationists concerns, planetary heating, C segregation and C emanations. The purpose of this study is to compare and contrast two Silvicultural systems. These are: a ) Clear Felling ( clear felling ) and B ) Choice system. Clear Felling is the system where the full base is cut at one time and so the country is either unnaturally or of course regenerated. Choice system is the system where some trees are harvested ( groups or single ) in order to do infinite for natural regeneration. Variations for both systems are discussed within the present study. Both of the discussed systems have a figure of advantages and disadvantages, and both can be used in woods and forests of any country, ever based on the forest direction aims. Clear Felling can be categorized in the undermentioned three classs: a ) Clear droping i whole base system, B ) Clear droping i progressive strip system and degree Celsius ) Clear droping i alternate strip system. Choice system can be categorized into: a ) The choice system and B ) The group choice system. 1. The Clear Felling System FAO defines Clear Felling as the technique applied in order to fell all trees found on a considerable country at one clip. Clear felling is done for two chief grounds, i.e. gross and regeneration. Many environmental groups are against this technique due to the fact that in most instances clear felling is carried out in big countries and therefore big countries are exposed to eroding and are cut downing the aesthetical, economical and societal value of the site. This is due to inauspicious impact of dirt, dirt eroding, agreeableness and wild-life. Impacts are present in the country until is regenerated and trees grow plenty to cover the country. Clear felling, is the system where all trees of a considerable country, i.e. larger than 1ha i as stated by Clayoquot Sound Scientific Panel, 1995, Chapter 3 i are removed and so the country is of course regenerated or regenerated by seting. This leads to a future even-aged base. Clear felling can be applied in bases with the undermentioned features: & A ; gt ; Stands where many dead, unhealthy, or diseased trees are found & A ; gt ; Stands where a batch of damaged trees is present ( amendss by air current or fire ) & A ; gt ; Stands with short rotary motion species, or with light demander species that can non turn in the shadiness & A ; gt ; Stands where after reaping desirable regenerations will be present or are predicted to be present Christou, 1995, states that Clear Felling can be categorized in the undermentioned three classs: a ) Clear droping i whole base system, B ) Clear droping i progressive strip system and degree Celsius ) Clear droping i alternate strip system. 1.1. Whole base Clear Cut System This is the Silvicultural System where the whole base is removed go forthing back a bare country. The country is so regenerated either of course or unnaturally i in most instances by seting ( Figure 1: Clear cut system ) . When natural regeneration ( seeding ) is to be applied, droping must be carried out in the leeward side in order to enable seeds to be blown by air current and to cover the clear cut country. ( Christou, 1995, p.75 ) . In instance that unreal regeneration with either seeding or seting is to be applied, the cost will be really higher due to the cost of seeds, workss but besides due to the high labor cost. Figure 1: Clear cut system Beginning: hypertext transfer protocol: // 1.2. Clear droping i Progressive Strip System With this system ( Figure 2: Clear cut – progressive strip system ) felling is carried out in the signifier of strips which progress in turn in one way across the regeneration country. The produced base will be even-aged if we consider each strip as a compartment. The regeneration largely comes of course from seeds from the staying standing strips/trees. The intent of this system is to derive entree to the base for transit, development and direction. Besides, is the proviso of unreal regeneration from next trees and the protection against air current and snow ( Christou, 1995, p. 78 ) . A new strip will be felled when sufficient regeneration of the old felled strip is present and when that strip is sufficient protected against inauspicious factors, like air current and snow. Figure 2: Clear cut – progressive strip system Beginning: hypertext transfer protocol: // 1.3. Clear droping i Alternative Strip System Is the system where felling is carried out in strips ( Figure 3: Clear cut – alternate strip system ) . Strips are at right angle to the air current way, enabling seeds from the staying untrimmed strips to be blown to the felled strips and therefore natural regeneration to be present ( hypertext transfer protocol: // ) . Uncut strips are to be cut when there are marks that equal natural regeneration is established in the antecedently felled strips i this system largely depends on natural regeneration. The breadth of the strips depends on assorted factors, like weight of seed ( seed travel distance blown by air current ) , terrain ( sloppy/flatted countries ) , inauspicious factors ( air current, snow ) ( Christou, 1995, p. 79 ) . Figure 3: Clear cut – alternate strip system Beginning: hypertext transfer protocol: // 1.4. Advantages and Disadvantages of the Clear Felling System 1.4.1. Advantages of the Clear Felling System Christou, 1995, p.75 and Nyland, 1996 province that the advantages of the clear felling system are the undermentioned: & A ; gt ; It is the simplest of all Silvicultural systems. No particular proficient accomplishments are needed & A ; gt ; Higher outputs per unit of country and lower harvest home costs & A ; gt ; Better control of plagues, viing flora, better seedbeds, and better dirt lacks & A ; gt ; Easier supervising and direction of droping operations & A ; gt ; Where unreal regeneration ( seeding or seting ) is to be used, coveted species can be established since this is up to the director manus & A ; gt ; Regeneration failures can be seen really early ( from the 2nd twelvemonth ) , and so crushing up of failures can be carried out & A ; gt ; Less or even no amendss to the staying trees & A ; gt ; If unreal regeneration will be applied or if natural regeneration which will be decently tended will be applied, the freshly established trees will be clearer from knots and more cylindrical due to natural pruning & A ; gt ; If unreal regeneration of the full country is carried out in one operation, the cost will be lower & A ; gt ; Distribution of age categories are nearing the normal more closely than other systems & A ; gt ; More light reaches the land therefore assisting the regeneration and constitution of the new harvest, particularly for light demander species & A ; gt ; Damages and / or losingss of lumber by windfall is avoided & A ; gt ; Most applicable system when mature and over mature bases are present system & A ; gt ; Easier application of fertilisers in the new harvest & A ; gt ; Easier control of insects and diseases since the whole base is removed & A ; gt ; Yield can be determined before reaping starts & A ; gt ; Specialized equipment designed for harvest home and site readying can be used due to the big country of the site, e.g. if really big country is to be felled, overseas telegram Cranes and reapers can be used 1.4.2. Disadvantages of the Clear Felling System Christou, 1995, p.76 and Nyland, 1996 province that the disadvantages of the clear felling system are the undermentioned: & A ; gt ; Is the worst system as respects biodiversity of a site – a batch of breaks to vegetations and fauna – taking all the big trees adversely impact some wildlife home ground & A ; gt ; Increased weeds invasion in clear felled countries & A ; gt ; In most instances unreal regeneration is applied, which is really dearly-won & A ; gt ; Clear felled countries are exposed for a long clip to weave, hoar and rain, therefore enduring from eroding & A ; gt ; Crop established after clear felling is an even-aged harvest which is normally less immune to weave and snow & A ; gt ; Immature trees are besides felled which non make their concluding increase i less gross & A ; gt ; Soil capacity and features is decreased & A ; gt ; Disturbance of the surface litter during logging displaces stored seeds and additions opportunities for surface eroding on sloppy countries, at least until new workss are grown plenty & A ; gt ; Landowners must hold equal stored seeds in order to use seeding & A ; gt ; The site factors are non to the full used. & A ; gt ; Lowering the aesthetic and diversion value of the country, until the new harvest is to the full established & A ; gt ; If markets can non absorb all the timber the system can non be applied & A ; gt ; Is non a good system for shadiness tolerant species which are used to turn easy under protection 2. The Choice System The Selection System differs from all other systems and is the system where felling ( selective fellings ) and regeneration are distributed over the whole of the country. Christou, 1995 provinces that the chief differences between Selection System and other systems are: a ) Fellings, cuttings and regeneration confined in all over the country and during the whole base life and B ) the ensuing base is uneven aged, where all age and size categories are found in every portion of the base. This system is really the iContinuous Cover Forestryi system, where in the country ever some trees are found standing. In this system, single or groups of trees are harvested to do infinite for natural regeneration. The established harvest is uneven-aged, where trees of all ages are found assorted together over every portion of the country. Regeneration operation is carried out throughout the life of harvest ( Hart, 1991, p. 252-253 ) . Felling of trees all over the country of a wood is possible when the country is little but if the country is big it is non possible to fell the trees over the full country yearly. Therefore, felling is done in a smaller country ( portion of the whole country ) after a certain figure of old ages, which is equal to the figure of the smaller countries i the interval scopes from five to ten old ages ( Hart, 1991, p. 252 ) . This interval is known as felling rhythm. It is really the clip between two consecutive fellings on the same country. In most of the times natural regeneration ( where favorable conditions are present ) will be present and therefore the freshly established base will hold all age and size categories ensuing to an uneven-aged base. In Cyprus, harmonizing to the Marking regulations for Pinus brutia and Pinus nigra, 1992, single trees ( individual tree choice system ) are selected for felling ( over mature, dead, deceasing, diseased, trees of unwanted species, trees with bad features, trees that when felled will enable younger and better trees to turn plenty without competency ) . Besides, in immature plantations, positive or negative choice is carried out. In instances that natural regeneration fails to be present, so seting or seeding is carried out. Figure 4: Choice system Beginning: hypertext transfer protocol: // Figure 5: Choice system Beginning: Dr. Owen Davies Et Al, 2008 Harmonizing to Christou, 1995, p. 87 and Dr. Owen Et Al, 2008, p.64 there are 2 types of Selection System, viz. a ) Single tree choice system and B ) Group Selection system. These two sub-systems are discussed moreover in the following paragraphs. 2.1. The Single-tree Selection System Is the system where felling of single trees is spread throughout the whole base, therefore enable the base to be regenerated within the whole base ( Dr. Owen Et Al, 2008, p. 64-65 ) . In most instances, single mature trees are selected for droping enabling replacement by regeneration ( Christou, 1995, p. 89 ) and therefore taking to a wholly uneven-aged base. This means that all size categories are distributed throughout the whole base. Felling of trees in the same country is merely possible when a little country is found. In instance of big woods this is non possible and so the country is divided into smaller coupes ( block ) , each coupe ( block ) is felled at regular intervals of non more than ten old ages. In each block cuttings are carried out when necessary ( Dr. Owen Et Al, 2008, p. 64 ) . Since all canopy stratas are to be present, natural pruning is present. Forest developed utilizing this system has a great aesthetical value with a more natural expression i all tree sizes are present within the whole country. Skilled forces are needed in order to choose trees for droping, following some regulations, e.g. remotion of dead, bad shaped, rivals etc. Besides, extraction cost would be higher and eventually give will be lesser than in even-aged bases. 2.2. The Group Selection System This system is largely used for light demanding species. In this system the felling is confined to a group of trees alternatively of any single 1. Besides, utilizing this system an uneven-aged base is produced. Felled countries are little in order to have protection and shelter from environing trees/areas ( Dr. Owen Et Al, 2008, p. 64 ) . If bigger countries are felled there is a high hazard of amendss caused by inauspicious climatic conditions, like air current and hoar ( Christou, 1995, p. 91 ) 2.3. Advantages and Disadvantages of the Selection System 2.3.1. Advantages of the Selection system Harmonizing to Christou, 1995, p.90-91 and Hart, 1991, p. 253-254 the advantages of the Selection system are the undermentioned: & A ; gt ; As respects aesthetical value this system is the most applicable, since the whole country will hold trees and regeneration & A ; gt ; Regeneration and stand amendss from air current and hoar amendss are limited & A ; gt ; Elimination of land and dirt eroding & A ; gt ; The general expression of the base is more of course since to the uneven-aged base produced & A ; gt ; Due to the flexibleness of the system we have better possible usage of the site & A ; gt ; Where market requires uninterrupted and little output this system is extremely recommended & A ; gt ; By opening the upper canopy the fire jeopardy is lower & A ; gt ; We can choose each one tree individually if it will be felled or non and this enables the director to fell merely those trees that have reached their increase halt & A ; gt ; Better shelter proviso to fauna and flora & A ; gt ; Weedss are better controlled, since less weeds will turn & A ; gt ; It gives the highest possible protection for sensitive species in order to renew and turn in inauspicious climatic conditions, like hoar and air current 2.3.2. Disadvantages of the Selection system Harmonizing to Christou, 1995, p.90-91 and Hart, 1991, p. 253-254 the disadvantages of the Selection system are the undermentioned: & A ; gt ; A high cognition and accomplishments are required & A ; gt ; Continuous fellings in the same country may non be perceived favorably by the populace & A ; gt ; No clearly output appraisal and finding & A ; gt ; Mostly shade tolerant species are favoured particularly in Single tree Selection system & A ; gt ; If there are jobs with insects and diseases in the country the control will be hard & A ; gt ; If certain harvest home methods are to be used so debasement of the site is possible & A ; gt ; High costs for be aftering and executing of the whole procedure ( taging, droping, regeneration ) & A ; gt ; Is non a suited system in croping countries & A ; gt ; During felling and extraction, hurts are caused to the standing trees & A ; gt ; There is non a determined period of thinning in which attending to the quality of the base will be given 3. Evaluation ( Comparisons and Contrasts ) of the two Silvicultural systems Taking into consideration all the above advantages and disadvantages of both Silvicultural systems, we can do some ratings and comparings, which are detailed discussed in the undermentioned paragraphs. 3.1. Fiscal considerations Under clear felling system there is no demand to engage specialised directors and labors, which will be of a higher cost, and since all trees are removed from the country net income will be higher. On the other manus, in most instances specialized heavy machineries are used for harvest home, conveyance, site readying and for planting/seeding and this addition the cost a batch. Using the clear felling system a big country and a batch of trees are felled. This means that the output will be the higher per unit of country. Besides, the activities cost per unit country will be much lower than in Selection system because machinery, labor, fellings and regeneration will be carried out in the same country. The cost for the extraction roads will be besides lower in the clear felling system ( Clayoquot Sound Scientific Panel, p. 53 ) . Site readying after clear felling is easier but more expensive per unit of country. Damages to standing trees and loss of lumber gross are besides avoided, since all trees are felled. Besides, in most instances where clear felling is used, unreal regeneration will be applied since no female parent trees to give their seed will be found in the neighbour country. On the contrary, by using choice system natural regeneration will be an evident, since a batch of environing female parent trees will be found. Sing regeneration, particularly if planting is to be applied in a clear cut country, seedlings will be of the coveted species, and the turning infinite will be controlled and so trees of better features will be grown ( Christou, 1995, p. 75, 90 ) . 3.2. Fauna and Flora Under Selection system, zoology and vegetation is less disrupted since trees are staying in the country. For illustration, under individual tree choice system if there is a nest on a tree, this tree will non be felled. Besides, in instances that sensitive or threatened flora species are found under some trees, or within a little country, the Forester will make up one's mind non to use droping on that country, enabling the protection and/or enlargement of this vegetation ( Christou, 1995, p. 75, 90 ) . 3.3. Aesthetic, Recreation and Amenity It is clear that, under Selection system, a natural visual aspect of the base will be produced i uneven aged base. This will increase the aesthetical value of the base and stand will be unfastened to public for diversion and agreeableness much earlier than if clear cut is applied ( Clayoquot Sound Scientific Panel, p. 54 ) . 3.4. Dirt and H2O protection In clear felling there is ever a large job with dirt eroding and landslides, since the whole felled country is unprotected from any trees. In choice system, particularly in the individual tree choice system the dirt is extremely protected from standing trees and staying land flora. Besides H2O catchments countries are enrich with much H2O ( Hart, 1991, p. 254 ) . 3.5. Tree features i shade tolerant / visible radiation demanding species When there is a demand to reforest an country utilizing light demanding species clear droping system is the most applicable since the base is opened plenty to acquire more visible radiation which favours their growing. If in the country shade tolerant species are found or if this type of species is to be used for re-afforestation so the Selection system is the most applicable. Under this system shade is provided to enable immature seedling to turn plenty and to be protected from inauspicious climatic conditions ( Christou, 1995, p. 90 ) . 3.6. Windfall, Insects, Diseases Animals and Weeds In the clear cut system there are no windfalls because all trees are felled, where in Selection System we may hold jobs with windfalls. Sing insects, diseases and animate beings the clear felling system offer more advantages since the country can be controlled by these inauspicious factors. All trees are cut and so no insects and diseases will stay in standing trees. Besides when there is a large job with animate beings, like the ruddy cervid in UK, a clear cut country can be fenced in order to avoid amendss to immature seedlings from animate beings ( Christou, 1995, p. 90 and Hart, 1991, p. 254 ) . In contrary, in the instance of weeds there will be a large job in clear cut countries because the whole country will be without any trees. In choice system there will be no job with weeds since weed invasion will be avoided due to the uninterrupted screen of the country with trees. 3.7. Ecosystem and Site factors Clear cut system will finish alter the ecosystem of the country. This will be really distinguishable in countries with trees that are hard to renew. With the application of Selection system the ecosystem is retained since ever trees will be present and will protect besides the under storey species. Now, sing site factors, e.g. in countries where there is a low precipitation, Selection system must be applied in order to protect and salvage H2O for immature regeneration. In the reverse, when the country has a high precipitation the clear cut system can be applied since immature seedling will non endure from draft. Decision Within the current study two chief silvicultural systems country discussed: a ) Clear felling and B ) Choice system. The first 1 does non follow any regulations since all the trees are felled, where in the 2nd system ( individual tree choice system ) a tree is removed if meets some standards. This indicates that particular cognition is needed. Both systems have many advantages and many disadvantages. In order to make up one's mind upon the system to be followed in an country, a batch of consideration must be taken, like, site conditions, direction ends, public agreeableness and diversion and public protests. In order to make up one's mind which Silvicultural system must be applied to each site a batch of factors must be examined such as the type of the harvest produced, site and climatic conditions, biological and fiscal considerations, biodiversity of the site and aesthetic factors. Both of the systems will give good consequences in their application if they are used in the correct sites with the right manner of application after analyzing in deepness of the factors mentioned above. Every system has its ain country of right application e.g. for United Kingdom which has a batch of rainfall but besides has a batch of jobs with windfalls Clear felling is the best system whether in Cyprus with really low precipitation and really dry summers Selection systems are the best for application. Besides for states where the lumber production and fiscal returns are the primary aims Clear cut is the most applicable system. Choice systems are the best systems for countries where aesthetic, diversion, nature preservation, ecology and sustainability are the chief aims.
Saturday, September 28, 2019
Sociology Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words - 1
Sociology - Essay Example This paper intends to focus on the influence of gender on life chances. Gender has a highly significant influence on life chances of an individual. Gender refers to ideas and practices that are socially determined concerning the significance of being male or female. This is clear from the past changes in the attitudes of both men and women, which are witnessed through the changes in roles played by them especially in relation to marriage, employment, and rearing of children. â€Å"Gender ideology was a crucial determinant of women's experiences in the early republic. Although new market imperatives made women's labor increasingly valuable to household survival (writ small) and capitalist production (writ large), older patriarchal arrangements continued to limit the opportunities of working women†(Rockman, 1816). The activities and attitudes of men and women are different and this is not natural but is taught through primary socialization when they were children. This is furth er contributed by secondary socialization when they grow up. ... The family is an integrative and dynamic unit that can provide the foundation for one’s core values and belief systems (Haralambos and Holborn 2000)†(McQuillan & Ravanera, 2006, p 160). The family influence can be quite high during childhood days. Gender discrimination starts from early ages as boys and girls are treated differently by their parents. A girl child is often expected to do housework. Besides female children are given lesser freedom and parents usually remain protective of them. Schools also influence in increasing the discrimination between male and female children. Similarly, peer group also determines children’s behavior in certain ways. At school females are good at studies at school levels and the number of girls going to universities is higher than that of boys. But when it comes to earnings, males generally receive higher income than females. Similarly, the numbers of women who do part time jobs are higher and, again, in most cases, they recei ve lower salary than their counterparts, because these jobs fit their home and family commitments. It is also seen that women are heading most of the single parent families. A majority of them are widows and this is mainly because the life expectation of women is higher than men. These factors contribute to an increase in the rate of poverty and the burden of this falls on women. Thus, the power and supremacy automatically transfer to the hands of men. Patriarchy is a sexual system characterized by male superiority over power and economic privilege. â€Å"Patriarchy places limits on the achievements of women and reduces the value of the feminine by picturing women as limited human beings, the opposite of privileged and capable men. Women are the majority of the unemployed. Men
Friday, September 27, 2019
The American Labor Sector of Today Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words
The American Labor Sector of Today - Essay Example  The movements drew clear lines between the management of the industries and the labor aspects that based on the issues between the two. This was aimed to advocate for the improvement of their working conditions. It is sentiments like these that the screenwriters and the director of the movie â€Å"Norma Rae†shared and sought to evoke among the audience. The movie highlights the processes and trials experienced in the starting of a workers union (Canby). It shows that although the start of worker unions is marred by challenges, their successful formations eventually result in improved labor conditions. The employers victimize the founding figures of trade unions when they start advocating for the rights of the workers. The movie gives a clear illustration of this aspect that is replicated in nearly all scenarios involving the establishment of labor unions. After hearing a speech from Rueben Warshowsky, Norma decides to unionize her workmates. This does not augur well with the managers of the cotton mill, who confront her (Canby). She in turn writes â€Å"UNION†on a piece of cardboard and stands on a table to display it to her workmates. This makes them shut down their machines. The management views this as a threat to their authority and responds by sacking her and sending her to jail (Canby). Although Reuben eventually frees her, the acts bring out the factor of victimization against unionists advocating for workers rights. The movie brings out the aspect of the different family members reaction to one’s involvement in union activities. After hearing Reuben’s speech Norma starts participating in union formation activities. This invokes negative reactions in her husband who feels Norma is not spending enough time with her family (Canby).
Thursday, September 26, 2019
PDF summary 500 words Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
PDF summary 500 words - Essay Example ew tips from his online friends and great determination, Smith was able to pin point the location of the fraudster and informed the authorities who went ahead to make the arrest (Smith, 2002). The story of Shiva Brent Sharma shows how he learned the skills of identity stealing from websites. With the help of online identity thieves and websites set up to help would be fraudsters learn tricks on fraud, he was able to gain enough skills which helped him to wire transfer money from other people’s accounts to his after stealing their identities. He also used other people’s credit cards to purchase items. His victims seem to be people who were new to computer use or maybe who were not cautious enough when responding to prompts made to them through their e-mails. Sharma said the money was coming too fast and he found it hard to resist engaging in identity stealing (Zeller, 2006). This story illustrates the challenges that authorities encounter when hunting down hackers. It is clear that hackers are becoming more skilled and elusive to hunt down. ShadowCrew website is significantly focused on in explaining the technicalities of hunting hackers. It is noted that cyber gangs are becoming international groups and consequently tracking them is becoming harder. Some of them have their servers in countries that are not cooperative in the fight against cyber crimes. The fight against cyber gangs will only succeed if all the stakeholders cooperate. The input by private security firms which develop anti-viruses is noted to be important as well as cooperation of security agent in different nations (Grow, 2004). This article focuses on manipulation of eBay system to make some account holders appear highly credible and therefore trustworthy. It is noted that the user evaluation system of eBay is vulnerable to manipulation and unfortunately it is this system that is used by buyers and seller to evaluate the credibility of other buyers and sellers. This article argues that eBay
Wednesday, September 25, 2019
Crtical thought Annotated Bibliography Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words
Crtical thought - Annotated Bibliography Example This article will be relevant to the debate question because it will illustrate the relevance of agriculture and land use in the environmental well-being of the human species. If man opts to stay away from eating meat, his next alternative is a plant-based diet, all of which stems from agriculture. Once it has been established that agriculture has severe consequences on the world’s well-being, then it may not be sustainable to advocate for a vegetarian diet. This report will thus render support to one side of the argument by showing how dietary choices have an effect on economic and land activities hence environmental outcomes in the long run. The author affirms that it is not necessary to eliminate meat from the diet. In fact, he even adds that meat has certain nutritional benefits that man can enjoy. However, they explain that the health problems emanating from meat are due to high saturated fat content rather than the actual meat. Therefore, they believe that if meat is trimmed, then it can be quite helpful to the body. Mann (2000) started with the hunter gatherer model in which he studied the plant and animal ration. It was found that there was a significantly high animal content in their diet but because the meat was mostly game, it had relatively low fat content. However, this gradually changed when animals became domesticated as the fats deposited increased. Gut morphology also supports an omnivorous diet in which the size of the colon, small intestine and caecum are all suitable for a combination of meat and plants. Therefore, most western diets are problematic because they have not stayed consistent to the evolut ionary aspect of man’s physiology This journal article will provide strong scientific evidence on the usefulness of meat in the human diet. Its reliance on evolutionary data by anthropological experts, nutritionists as
Tuesday, September 24, 2019
Holistic approach to health Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words
Holistic approach to health - Essay Example The use of complementary therapies and CAM widely based in specific disease entities such as cancer, cystic fibrosis and asthma, in clinical settings such as obstetrical care and paediatric oncology and by international geographic locations (Yeh et al. 2000; 56). The concept of holism, which is an appreciation of the inter-relationship between body, mind and spirit, and recognition of the socio-cultural factors are fundamental to complementary therapies and medicine (Tiran 2006; 341). A number of definitions for complementary therapies and medicine have been proposed by different researchers. One of the definitions given is a broad domain of healing resource that encompasses health systems, modalities and practices and their accompany theories and beliefs, other than those intrinsic to the dominant health system of a particular society or culture in a given historical period (Snyder and Lindquist 2001; 6). According to Uzun and Tan (2004; 239), complementary therapy is defined as therapy used in conjunction with conventional therapy. Existing studies on complementary therapies and medicine focus mainly on two things. One is the focus on the specific mechanisms of actions such as particular herbal remedies, homeopathic medicines and essential oils, often with regard to assessing their safety and efficacy; the other one is focusing on specific therapies and medicine modalities such as herbal medicine, homeopathy and aromatherapy, as if they are stable or not, uniform and constant forms of health care practice (Williams 2000; 163). There is a steady increase in the use of complementary therapies and CAM by the general public in the last two decades (Ernst and White 2000: 32). This is parallel to their increased used in health care settings, including the UK NHS (Richardson 2001). In 1998, only 10% from 22 million visits to
Monday, September 23, 2019
Individual 3 international markets Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words
Individual 3 international markets - Essay Example Fixed income is a form of investment or budget type whereby the real returns rate or the periodic income is probably judge able and at predictable levels. This kind of investment therefore provides returns at fixed period of time and the final return of principal upon maturity. The annual or the monthly returns are of great importance to the association and the money again can be used in the other investment sectors to provide revenue for the association (Allen 2000). Stocks are types of securities that represent ownership in a company or in any corporation. They also show claim on the side o the corporation’s assets and earnings. Stocks are of two types, the common stock and the preferred stock. The common stock always allows the owner to take part in any voting exercise that is conducted at the shareholders meeting. They also entitle the owners to receive dividends. The common stock can also be termed as the ordinary shares (Allen 2000). During the liquidation of the company or any corporation, the owners are considered last after the owners of the preferred stocks. Preferred stock or the preference shares are those that whose owners do not have voting rights and can therefore not take part in any voting exercise that is held in the shareholders meeting. During the liquidation of a company the owners of the preferred stock always have prior claim to dividends as opposed to the owners of the common stock or when a company goes bankrupt. The cash was also sub divided into bonds, this is a debt instrument that requires the one who borrows, the issurer to repay the amount borrowed together with the interest over the period that was agreed upon with the lender (Allen 2000). In the portfolio breakdown, investment in cash took the lion share in terms of breakdown of the portfolio. Investments in cash to the teachers association are can be of greater impacts considering the
Sunday, September 22, 2019
Wastewater Management Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
Wastewater Management - Essay Example Considering the sewer systems, earlier sewer systems were combined. They were designed to enable the collection of sanitary and storm wastewater in a single system. As such, they prevented flooding by warding off water from roofs and streets. As a result, early sanitarians concluded that the combined systems did provide adequate health protection. In recent times, this is known as Attached Growth Processes. Wastewater passes over a media along with air (oxygen). Methods like trickling filters and biotowers are effective in removing biodegradable organic wastewater materials. However effective these methods are, the passage of organic matter over oxygen releases some pollutants like poisonous gases like Ammonia and infectious micro-organisms that contaminate the water causing deadly diseases. There are advanced tertiary methods like the addition of chemical to primary clarifiers as a way of removing phosphorus and nitrogen. However, this is viewed as advanced treatment method hence em ployed when some specific wastewater constituents cannot be removed. An example of an advanced method is the Bardenpho-plant that involves the passage of Ammonia gas through several zones (Assano, 2007).
Saturday, September 21, 2019
Plato Thought on Education Essay Example for Free
Plato Thought on Education Essay â€Å"The object of education is to turn the eye which the soul already possesses to the light. The whole function of education is not to put knowledge into the soul, but to bring out the best things that are latent in the soul, and to do so by directing it to the right objects. The problem of education, then, is to give it the right surrounding. †(Plato) In the fifth century B. C. E Plato was born into an aristocratic Greek family. As a youngster his intention was to be engaged in politics. However in his twenties his thoughts were change after coming into the circle of Socrates, who was to be the lasting influence on his thought. Hence, following the execution of Socrates on accusations of the corruption of youth Plato abandoned direct involvement in politics and turned to writing and education. Plato was well known for his works which were all written in the form of dialogues. In the Republic, written about 385 B. C. E and in the Laws, his last work, on which he was still at work at the end of his life Plato addresses childhood in the context of education. Plato saw education as â€Å"the one great thing†, no scheme of human life was so important to him, since he rejected birth as a criterion for distributing the function of education. He believes that the aim of education was the harmonious development of human personality with the central purpose was to produce the right type of individualities in the state. Therefore, Plato saw the state primarily as an educational entity. His scheme of education was greatly influenced by Spartan system of education. In the Spartan system the family had no control over the education of its members. The state was controlling all aspects of education. In the Republic, Plato devotes much attention to the education of the child as a future citizen. He believes that the child belongs to the state and its education is the responsibility of the state in addition education must be compulsory for all. Furthermore, Plato was not concerned with training children for a trade but rather with giving them an education in virtue, which is to produce a keen desire to become a perfect citizen who knows how to rule and be ruled in turn. Education was seen as the correct channelling of pains and pleasures, aiming at establishing a nature in which goodness of character has been well and truly established so as to breed a familiarity with reason, since Plato saw reason as mans true nature, therefore it has to be nurtured from childhood by irrational means. In Plato views education was to begin before birth therefore he recommends that the care of the soul and body of the child begin with prescribed walks for the pregnant woman before birth. For the first two years of life children should be kept well wrapped up, even though they should be taken to the country or on visits. Also, they should be carried until they are old enough to stand on their own to prevent subjecting their limbs to too much pressure. This was necessary since the main importance of movement lies in its influence on the early development of a well-balanced soul and the cultivation of the body is mainly for the souls sake. Another aspect of education was the formation of character. Plato saw storytelling as the main tool in the development of character. Since stories should provide models for children to imitate, seeing that as ideas taken in at an early age become indelibly fixed. Moreover storytelling must begin at an earlier age than physical training. Physical training may take two or three years, during which nothing else can be done; since weariness and sleep are unfavourable to study. Physical training was vital as the exercises were an important test of character. Additionally a childs character will also be formed while he or she plays Plato attached much importance to childrens games. Even though the sexes are to be separated at the age of six, he believes that children are to be brought together for games. Teachers must provide children with miniature tools of the different trades, so that they can use the childrens games to channel their pleasures and desires toward the activities they will engage in when they are adults. However, children and adults should not imitate base characters when playing or acting, for fear of forming a habit that will become second nature. In addition to storytelling and play, reading, writing, music and arithmetic were an integral part of Platos educational system. Beginning at the age of ten a child is required to spend three years on reading, writing, and the poets, and another three learning the lyre. Then they would study elementary mathematics up to the age of seventeen or eighteen. He thought that all of this was to be done with as little compulsion as possible in, order to for them to learn enough to fight a war and run a house and administer a state (Republic, bk.7, 535-541). This period of education could not be extend or curtail neither by the child nor father either out of enthusiasm or distaste. Children were expected to work on their letters until they are able to read and write, but any whose natural abilities have not developed sufficiently by the end of the prescribed time to make them into quick or polished performers should not be pressed. Enforced exercise does no harm to the body, but enforced learning will not stay in the mind (Laws, bk. 7, 536). Plato also felt the necessity of moral education. The members of a society should learn that they are the members of one society and that they should live in the spirit of harmony and co-operation. Plato realizes that the better way of imparting moral instructions, is the sanction of supernatural authority. Plato also believes with conviction that a nation cannot be strong unless it believes in God. Certainly, Platos views on education have significantly influenced educational thought to this day and have become the basis of many educational policies His system of education includes instructions for the training of body, mind and soul. Plato also believed that an ideal state, embodying the highest and best capabilities of human social life, can really be achieved, if the right people are put in charge. Since the key to the success of the whole is the wisdom of the rulers who make decisions for the entire city, His view of philosophy as an educational activity and of education as the development of reason, the responsibility of which lies squarely with the state, is still a living educational challenge.
Friday, September 20, 2019
Career Aspiration For An Leadership Role
Career Aspiration For An Leadership Role Career is just like the journey when you are on the journey; you are maybe start of it, middle of your journey or near to end. In career the past of your career does not determine the future of your career, do you want to go the same direction or want to change your career direction. (Pedler, Burgoyne, Boydel 2007) Career is the pattern and biography of your working life. Career aspiration and plan development of my future is the part of this project and this includes the managing my abilities, strengths, weaknesses and all those aspects which are helpful for my career aspiration. A. Career Aspiration Strategy: When I talk about my further career strategy then it is clear that what I want from my future designation, status, money, care, esteem, satisfaction. But the question is that how I can get all these desires for this I need a proper strategy, and then I can gain my goals and desires. For gaining my desires or goals I set my Career strategy in such way: i. Short Term Strategy ii. Medium Term Strategy iii. Long Term Strategy For my future strategy I want to use the following module which is taken from Pedler M, Burgoyne J, Boydell T, A Managerà ¢Ãƒ ¢Ã¢â‚¬Å¡Ã‚ ¬Ãƒ ¢Ã¢â‚¬Å¾Ã‚ ¢s Guide to Self-Development, 5th Edition. Note: Each passage represents a major change in job requirements that translates to new skills requirements, new time horizons and applications and new work values. Based on work done initially by Walter Mahler and called Critical Career Passages. Figure 1 Critical career passages in large organizations. From Charan, R., Drotter, S. and Noel, J. The Leadership Pipeline: How to Build the Leadership Powered Company. San Francisco: Jossey Bass, 2001. Reproduced with kind permission i. Short Term Strategy: I want to set my short term strategy for my career according to the module (Fig. 1) given above and that also based on my previous experience. As I had the work experience of almost 2 years from September 2007 to till 1st December, 2009 in Pakistan and the experience was related to Manage Self according to the module (Fig. 1) and now I am in UK for Post Graduation. In short term strategy I want to start my career in UK from basic level and my career start from now to till the end of my Msc Management Practice program June 2011. Now my career path is Manage Self and does any part time job which I can get from any where and also try to get work as a Team Leader. I try to make myself perfect and strong and overcome my deficiencies in this 1st year strategy for my bright future and to manage others. In UK I had the experience as a Room Audit Officer and as a Sale man. ii. Medium Term Strategy: After the completing of my education in June 2011, I change my career towards a new dimension and towards new goals for learning and development. My new strategy is for 5 years. After completing education and when my Visa is near to expire I have two options return to my country Pakistan or stay in UK for my future work. But my first priority is to stay here, then there are further two options for me apply for HSMP or PSW. I also start to search my job in UK and also send documents for Visa extension. Where I place myself in medium term strategy? According to module (Fig. 1), I must start my career from Passage 2 and start applying for the positions which lead me toward Managerial level. In my next 3 years 2011 to 2014, I see myself as a Business Manager and want to enter in Passage 5. Which type of Organization I want to work? I just want to start my career in UK and there is no matter for me the organization is big or small but I want to see myself at a place where I learn, self development and good leadership learning. Then I want to move toward good and high reputed organization. After getting 2 years experience in any organization, I like to change my preference and move towards more education and must start again the learning process. I must do one more course of Msc as a part time in 2014 which is of two years but if I do it full time then it must be for one year after this I do the PHD in management. It is also possible that I do just PHD in Management instead of 2nd Msc. PHD is the part of my strategy in medium term planning. After from 2011 to 2016, I see myself as Business Manager and also a PHD holder in Management sciences. iii. Long Term Strategy: After the success of medium term planning my long term strategy become very vast and I have a lot of opportunities and career directions. My long term strategy is for the further 10 years from 2016 to onward. Where I see myself in further ten years? As a Professor As a Enterprise Manager As an Entrepreneur I have all these 3 choices but also two at the same time. Like if I am working in an organization, then I can also join the university as a part time professor. After gaining the experience I want to start my own business, beside this I also like to join the university as a lecturer. Desired Job Role: Fresh Graduate desired job role different from the experience person. When I have done my graduation, my desired job role was to enter in the organization, gain experience and polish myself. As I have 2 years work experience as a Sales Executive and also as a Relationship Manager designation. According to my strategy my desired job roles are such as: Marketing Executive to Marketing Manager and Director My experience as a Marketing Executive is almost 17 months and this is an edge for getting job anywhere and that is my favourite field and enjoys it. And Marketing Executive is involved in developing marketing campaigns that promote a product, service or idea. And in future career development, I can work as Sr. Marketing Executive in 1st year plan and in 2-5 years plan at Marketing Manager the in 10 years plans as a Marketing Director which present my strategy. Management Consultant My desired job role is as a Management consultant because it is related to my field and a Management Consultant is involved in providing objective advice, expertise and specialist skills with creating values, maximizing growth or improving the business performance. Customer Service Manager As I am related to marketing field and also from management there fore I know the needs of customer and the services for the customers. Therefore I like to do work as a Customer Service Manager. And the Customer Service Manager ensures that the organization work for the satisfaction of its customers needs. I like this job role because I am a creative, can do planning and problem solving person. Retail Manager I also like to do work in a retail outlet because it increases my experience and I met a lot of persons. Because of this job I have the scope as a Retail Manager in my 5 years plan and can move towards big retail outlets like Mark Spencer, Next, NIKE and any big outlet. And this job role is related to my field because of my marketing experience and my business education. Higher Education Lecturer As I explain in my 5 years and 10 years plan that I want to do PHD and this job role help me in my long term planning as a professor or lecturer in universities. In colleges and universities the qualification level is Msc and PHD. In this profession I can progress towards Dean of my department or towards the University Dean.
Thursday, September 19, 2019
Whooping Cough :: Whooping Cough Health Medical Essays
Whooping Cough These days whooping cough, also known as Pertussis, is not a serious disease because there are vaccinations available to prevent its occurrence. However, when I was five years old a vaccination was available but neither my siblings nor myself had been vaccinated against it and due to its highly contagious nature, I contracted whooping cough from my older sisters. Both of my older sisters had whooping cough, but they were lucky and managed to get well fairly quickly. Unfortunately, they passed it on to me and I suffered much more from it because I was a few years younger than them both. It started out as just a runny nose and a slight cough, which most people would attribute to the common cold or the flu. These symptoms persisted for about a ten days and my mom thought that I was getting better. After ten days she finally allowed me back outside to play with my friends even though I still wasn't feeling well. This unfortunately only made my whooping cough worse and that night I woke up coughing so hard I thought my lungs were going to explode. These coughing fits would only last for a few minutes but they were harsh and I was struggling to get enough air to breathe. My mom heard me coughing and came running from her bedroom to see what was going on. She comforted me for a few minutes until the coughing had subsided and I had finally fallen back asleep. However, an hour or so later I woke up again with another coughing fit, this one even worse than the first. My coughs were followed by a whooping noise in my lungs because I was struggling so hard to get enough oxygen into my lungs. After about three days of this my whooping cough was not getting any better and my parents started to get worried. My two older sisters had not suffered as much as I had and they decided to call my doctor. He came to our house that evening and as soon as he saw me and heard me cough he told my parents I needed to go to hospital that night. I was terrified. I had never been to a hospital; well not since I was born anyway.
Wednesday, September 18, 2019
Ben & Jerrys Ice Cream Essay -- essays research papers fc
Ben and Jerry’s Ben and Jerry’s ice cream and the amazing success the company has experience over the years could be loosely summed up as a story that began with two friends coming together with a vision to create a company that did not adhere to the traditional corporate rules of running a business. They both had certain ideals and a socially and economic responsible opinion on how a capitalist business should be run. There are a lot of similarities in the way this company is run and operated when compared to South West Airlines. They are of course offering two different things to there customers, South West providing a service where Ben and Jerry’s are providing a product but the way that they go about there daily business in the spirit of treating people a certain way, and setting out to complete a different kind of vision then say a more traditional company would is very similar. Jerry Greenfield and Ben Cohen where both born in New York in 1951. On Merrick, Long Island Jerry and Ben first met one another in junior high school. Jerry graduated from high school with a national merit scholarship and enrolled at Oberlin College in Ohio to study pre-med. While studying there Jerry got his first experience working in the ice cream industry when he hired by the his schools cafeteria as an ice cream scooper. After graduating from college Jerry applied to medical school but did not accepted. He worked as a lab technician back in New York where he moved in with Jerry in a small apartment on East 10th St. In 1976 Ben and Jerry relocated to Saratoga Springs, New York. Where they both decided to pursue their dream of starting a food business together. They decided to go with ice cream and began researching the industry. They both enrolled in a five dollar correspondence course in ice cream making at Penn State and soon after they set up their first Ben & Jerryâ€℠¢s ice cream parlor in Burlington Vermont.(1) Like Ben and Jerry’s South West to began with two friends coming together with a vision. Rollin King and herb Kellher where talking one evening complaining about the high fares for short airline commutes between Dallas, San Antonio, and Houston, and Rollin King said to Herb "let’s start an airline." However it was not that easy for South West Airlines to get off the ground. They had many legal battles from the major airlines companies at the time to ... ... a dynasty on this planet has yet to live forever. There is documentation of empires and governments that have fallen, and the reason behind them failing is always, for the most part, the will of the people in action. Corporations have established themselves as the corner stones of our modern society that we live in today. New ways of thinking are the best approach to avoid making mistakes that have been made in the past. Ben and Jerry’s have been known for there unprecedented rate of giving to charitable organizations in the corporate world, a full 7.5% of its pretax profits(4) as compared to the average American corporation of one percent.(2) Works Cited (1) (2) Article; Joel Makower Business For Social Responsibility, Beyond the bottom Line.(1994) (3) Daniel Kadlec, The New World of Corporate Giving, (May 5, 1997) (4) The Ben & Jerry's Foundation, Foundation Guidelines, (5) Murray Raphel, What's the Scoop on Ben & Jerry, DIRECT MARKETING MAGAZINE (1994)
Tuesday, September 17, 2019
Mertons Strain Theory Essay -- Sociology, Adaptation, Inequalities
In Merton’s (1938) strain theory social structures account for the criminal tendencies found in offenders. Individuals adjust to societal pressures in five distinct ways. Adaptation I, which entails conforming to both culture norms and means, is the most common. The popularity of this adaptation allows a society to function effectively. In contrast, adaptation IV is the least common and gives rise to the rejection of both cultural goals and means. Those that adopt this culture pattern are societal misfits and usually include some such persons as psychotics, psychoneurotics, chronic autists, vagrants, and chronic drunkards or drug addicts. Sykes and Matza’s (1957) control theory postulates that acts of delinquency are generally not approved of even by the delinquents who commit such crimes. First, they don’t believe their crimes are â€Å"right†. Instead, they often show remorse or guilt when faced with the consequences of their crimes. Moreover, this show of shame shouldn’t be completely attributed to deception to pacify authorities. Second, delinquents do have respect for law-abiding citizens (Sykes and Matza, 1957). Often if a delinquent’s offenses are shared with law-abiding people that they look up to or sports heroes perhaps they will show deep remorse. Therefore, delinquents do not hold a set of values that are in contrast with cultural norms. Sykes and Matza (1957) describe two more points, but in light of the two given here there is evidence that delinquency is not the creation of a sub-culture, because a society of those who conform cannot be overlooked. Instead, delinquent acts are internally justified despite their repugnance to the legal system and the rest of society (Sykes and Matza, 1957). There ... ...elihood. In sum, Rosenfeld and Messner (1995), Bonger (1969), and Currie (1997) give examples of how materialism is destroying the lives of US citizens. Materialism is not a facet of liberal or conservative thought (Galston, 1991; Kirk, 1987). Moreover, in both Galston (1991) and Kirk’s (1987) articles there was no attack on capitalism and the market economy. However, the liberal idea of the need for social programs was propounded by Currie (1997), which is counter to conservative ideals. Currie (1997) also showed the need to debunk the conservative â€Å"myth†that there must always be inequalities in society. Besides these points these criminologists are really attacking capitalism and are not on a liberal or conservative platform. Furthermore, Chesney-Lind (1989) doesn’t delve into the government’s political structure based on liberal or conservative views. Merton's Strain Theory Essay -- Sociology, Adaptation, Inequalities In Merton’s (1938) strain theory social structures account for the criminal tendencies found in offenders. Individuals adjust to societal pressures in five distinct ways. Adaptation I, which entails conforming to both culture norms and means, is the most common. The popularity of this adaptation allows a society to function effectively. In contrast, adaptation IV is the least common and gives rise to the rejection of both cultural goals and means. Those that adopt this culture pattern are societal misfits and usually include some such persons as psychotics, psychoneurotics, chronic autists, vagrants, and chronic drunkards or drug addicts. Sykes and Matza’s (1957) control theory postulates that acts of delinquency are generally not approved of even by the delinquents who commit such crimes. First, they don’t believe their crimes are â€Å"right†. Instead, they often show remorse or guilt when faced with the consequences of their crimes. Moreover, this show of shame shouldn’t be completely attributed to deception to pacify authorities. Second, delinquents do have respect for law-abiding citizens (Sykes and Matza, 1957). Often if a delinquent’s offenses are shared with law-abiding people that they look up to or sports heroes perhaps they will show deep remorse. Therefore, delinquents do not hold a set of values that are in contrast with cultural norms. Sykes and Matza (1957) describe two more points, but in light of the two given here there is evidence that delinquency is not the creation of a sub-culture, because a society of those who conform cannot be overlooked. Instead, delinquent acts are internally justified despite their repugnance to the legal system and the rest of society (Sykes and Matza, 1957). There ... ...elihood. In sum, Rosenfeld and Messner (1995), Bonger (1969), and Currie (1997) give examples of how materialism is destroying the lives of US citizens. Materialism is not a facet of liberal or conservative thought (Galston, 1991; Kirk, 1987). Moreover, in both Galston (1991) and Kirk’s (1987) articles there was no attack on capitalism and the market economy. However, the liberal idea of the need for social programs was propounded by Currie (1997), which is counter to conservative ideals. Currie (1997) also showed the need to debunk the conservative â€Å"myth†that there must always be inequalities in society. Besides these points these criminologists are really attacking capitalism and are not on a liberal or conservative platform. Furthermore, Chesney-Lind (1989) doesn’t delve into the government’s political structure based on liberal or conservative views.
Monday, September 16, 2019
Environmental Factors Influencing Starbuck’s Marketing Strategy
Startbucks coffee company is a very large and popular company that conducts domestic and global business; it was defined to be the finest coffee in the whole world. It mission statement is â€Å"to inspire and nurture the human spirit- one person, one cup and one neighborhood at a timeâ€Å". Starbucks Company is one of the companies that know how to manage all the environmental forces that effect its marketing decisions. It is recognized for the successful marketing factors that have been influencing the company’s global and domestic growth more effectively in a positive way. These environmental forces are the key trends that influence marketing. This paper will discuss the different environmental factors, how these environmental factors affect Starbucks marketing decisions, and addressing how these factors relates to Starbucks marketing decisions. Environmental forces The five different environmental forces or factors that affect Starbucks marketing decisions as well as its customers and suppliers are social, economic, technological, and competitive and regulatory. The social factor of the environment is known as demographics the people that are described based on their ethnicity, age, gender, income, and occupation all over the world with the variety of their cultures and values. Starbuck Company is affect by the fact that the population is increasing nationwide and that many people with the demographics differences are lovers of Starbucks coffee. The economic factor has its tremendous impact on Startbucks market specially when the household income barely increases but the products and services’ cost easily and consistently increases that lead to a decrease in customers spending that may affect Starbucks marketing decisions. The technological factor plays huge role in Starbucks marketing decisions where inventions and innovations of new products are necessary to maintain customer base. Competitive factor refers to other coffee stores that compete. with Starbucks that try to provide products that please coffee drinker’s needs to attract the market from Starbucks. Regulatory force is the most important environmental factor that affects Starbucks marketing decisions. Regulatory forces or regulation contains a number of federal and state laws that business must follow under any circumstances. Regulations are made to protect consumers and companies to ensure that competition and fair business practices are applied legitimately. Global economic interdependence Starbucks’s global economic interdependence is important to operate the business in ways that contribute to the environmental and economic factors. Global economic interdependence helps Starbucks Company to create value within the diverse communities that leads to evolve the business model that delivers value of companies and farmers that source Starbucks’s products, customers, shareholders and neighborhoods where Starbucks Company has stores (Starbucks Corporation, 2011). Starbucks started applying trade practices in the year of 2000, 16 million paid off for fair-trade quality that is used by the manufacturers who invest at the company level. Fair- trade practices agreements allow coffee farmers to invest in their communities where they can develop business that is capable to compete with other coffee producers and protect their environments by educating communities of fair trade benefits (Starbucks Corporation, 2011). The importance of demographics and physical infrastructure Demographics and physical infrastructure are very important for Starbucks company where demographics workforce are classified as mostly as women who working as a larger number than men and minorities. Physical infrastructure where Starbuck Company must ensure the availability of all needed work related tools, transportations, and communication among all workers. Social responsibility and ethical cultures Starbucks is committed to conduct social and ethical responsibility that is strongly arrange in a line that dive to create a business like Starbuck stores that increases shareholds values by maintaining the solid relationships. Ethics and compliance are crucial for Starbuck Company successes, for that reason the company must ensure ethics are incorporate in all lines of business of the Company where Starbuck is providing a business ethics and compliance training to help partners to voice concerns, find answers to their concerns and maintain an audit line for customers, investors, and vendors. The effect of technology on Starbuck Starbucks company is been tremendously effected by technology. The use of Wi-Fi in their stores is one of the key successes for Starbucks business growth. The consistent use of Wi-Fi internet access is encouraging people to complete most of their out of the office meetings at Starbuck where workmates can get together to plan for a project, where a home buyer meets the real estate agent to sign a purchase contract agreements, where borrower can to close on their loans in a very interactive fun place like Startbucks. In addition to, the well enhanced technological system that employees use at all times. Conclusion Starbucks not only recognizes the central role that social responsibility plays in its business. It also takes constructive action to be socially responsible (Hartley & Rudelius, 2011).
Sunday, September 15, 2019
English Literature: Frankenstein Essay Essay
Frankenstein was written by Mary Shelley when she was only eighteen years old after a nightmare she had. It was first published on 1st January 1818 and was an instant success. Using the style of the ‘Gothic Novel’, Frankenstein was the first science-fiction book ever written. Almost two centuries later it has become not only a widely read classic, but also one of the most influential novels ever written. Frankenstein is a moral tale that deals with issues and ethics of medical and scientific advancement and how far humans should go in tampering with nature. The story raises questions as to who should have final power over life and human nature, God or humans. Shelley calls her book a ‘Modern Prometheus’, because there are many similarities in the plots. The Greek God, Prometheus, gave the human race fire, out of pity so they could eat, but also brought them danger, and was punished for it by Zeus. Prometheus was a hero to humans, but Dr. Victor Frankenstein is a villain because he did nothing to contribute to the world; he did everything for himself rather than using his knowledge for the good of others. Shelley does not express her views, but simply tells a story. The story explores the dire consequences of meddling in such serious matters. In a dramatic and shocking way she is more persuasive and challenging to people than if she had directly preached her views. Without directly telling people what they ought to think, she is powerfully able to make people question the morality of their actions in a day of rapid scientific advances. The ‘Gothic Novel’ was a very popular style of writing in the late eighteenth to mid-nineteenth century. Shelley used this style because she knew it would appeal to the masses. Its use of horror, violence and the supernatural was exciting, intriguing and macabre. Although at one level it was frightening, it was also intriguing and compelling. Although on the surface it repelled, at a deeper level a reader was drawn to the horror, just as the curious are drawn to view victims of an accident. Her clever use of horror disguises her Puritanical views by letting the dire outcome of an obsessed doctor who creates a monster speak for itself. Victor Frankenstein Dr. Victor Frankenstein is the main protagonist of the novel and is a complex character. The bulk of the story is told from his point of view, revealing his struggle to deal with the responsibility for the tragic consequences of his ‘playing God’ by creating a monster from dead bodies he stole from graves. Frankenstein is a very egotistical and conceited man. He believes totally in his own ability and power. He is self-centred, but at the same time lacks self-awareness. ‘†¦ I doubted not that I should ultimately succeed. ‘ p. 42 Frankenstein’s ego is so immense that he comes to see himself as God-like. His dream to create a physically superior race that will worship him as its God is the dream of a megalomaniac. He has delusions of grandeur almost to the point of considering himself as the Saviour of the world. Although Dr. Frankenstein admits that he was at first unsure about whether he should perform the act of human creation this hesitancy is quickly taken over by his arrogance and desire to succeed. He thinks he can do no wrong. ‘I doubted at first†¦ but my imagination was too much exalted†¦ to permit me to doubt of my ability†¦ ‘ p. 42 Frankenstein in one sense is an idealist in that he wanted to create a perfect race, a better race than current, imperfect humanity. He has a vision of an army of physically superior humans with high intelligence. However the reality of his method is to combine a collection of different body parts from different human beings, with different proportions, from graves and vaults. His ideal is very different to reality, showing how out of touch with reality he really is. It also shows his immorality, for he disregards authority and has a lack of respect for the dead. Frankenstein’s readiness to mutilate and steal bodies shows that he thinks of the deceased bodies as merely physical carcasses for use at his disposal. He seems to have no morals or ethics at all and doesn’t even think about the consequences if he was caught. ‘I collected bones from charnel-houses; and disturbed, with profane fingers, the tremendous secrets of the human frame. ‘ p. 43 Frankenstein’s obsession with creation drives him to break down the boundaries of life and death. He is oblivious to the outside world and nothing else matters to him. ‘†¦ Still urged on by an eagerness which perpetually increased, I brought my work near to a conclusion. ‘ p. 43 But once creating his being, when the Monster awakes, Frankenstein is terrified by it, and runs away. His ideal of a perfect, flawless being is crushed at the sight of his hideous creation. Frankenstein instantly rejects the Monster, fleeing from its outstretched arms. He is judgemental and shallow, judging his creation on looks, not personality. However, scientists are supposed to be objective instead of subjective. ‘†¦ Now I had finished, the beauty of the dream vanished’ P.
To Kill a Mockingbird Speech
â€Å"Some Negroes lie, some Negroes are immoral, some Negroes are not to be trusted around women – black or white. But this is a truth that applies to the human race and to no particular race of men†. That was a quote by Atticus Finch. Atticus Finch is a man who always tries to do what is right. In the novel ‘To Kill a Mockingbird’ a major theme is racism. An innocent black man is unfairly charged for raping a white girl. Throughout the book we learn about Atticus’ views on racism as well as racism being present in the novel. I feel very strongly about this topic and my views about it are very similar to Atticus’, rather than most of the Maycomb community’s. In ‘To Kill a Mockingbird’ racism has a big impact in the novel. Since the book was based in the 1930’s, the issue of racism was not only present in the book but was relevant at the time in the Southern States of America. In 1930 Negroes had only been free from slavery for 65 years. After these 65 years of being free citizens, most whites still believed they are below them. This isn’t so different in Australia. The Aboriginal Australians were only granted the right to vote, after a referendum was held in 1967. That was around 45 years ago and still some aboriginals still fall victims to racism. The town of Maycomb County is a good example of a community whom a majority of its citizens stereotype people by their skin colour. The difference from Atticus’s views on racism compared to a person like Bob Ewell is completely opposite. Atticus lives in a racist society and doesn’t share these prejudice views. Atticus once said â€Å"You never really know a man until you stand in his shoes and walk around in them†. He teaches his children, Jem and Scout to treat everyone with respect, including their black housekeeper, Calpurnia. He respects people of colour and believes it is his duty to defend Tom Robinson to the best of his ability. Bob Ewell and a majority of Maycomb County do not agree with Atticus’s views. They don’t see Tom as â€Å"Tom†, they see him as a negro. Atticus quotes: â€Å"what was one negro, more or less, among two hundred of ‘em? Read also How Powerful Do You Find Atticus Finch’s Closing Speech? He wasn’t Tom to them†¦Ã¢â‚¬ . Due to the jury racially discriminating against Negroes, Tom Robinson was pronounced guilty. No matter how much evidence Atticus justified to the court that Tom Robinson was not guilty, the jury would still pick a white person over a Negro. Tom truly believed he had no chance for an appeal and decided to attempt to escape, taking his own chances and being shot. Tom believed that he would fall victim to racial prejudice again and not be judged fairly despite his innocence. Racism caused an innocent man’s death. In my opinion, I don’t see how anyone benefits from being racist and I am so against it. We are all human beings and that doesn’t change because of the colour of your skin. No race is better than the other and it is ignorant to believe that you are above someone else by judging their skin colour. Racism is so unnecessary and I stand with Atticus’s views when It comes to this topic. Atticus’s lack of racial prejudice shows how fair and genuinely good of a person he is. Atticus made an impression on the Maycomb community, a community that in the 1930’s were very racially discriminating against coloured people. Atticus influences the reader to have not judge someone based on their skin colour. The Tom Robinson case was a step towards stopping racism. ‘Atticus finch won’t win, he can’t win, but he’s the only man in these parts who can keep a jury out so long in a case like that. ’, Miss Maudie quotes ‘well, we’re making a step – it’s just a baby step, but it’s a step’. To Kill a Mockingbird Speech English Speech The bildungsroman genre comprises social and psychological maturity of its protagonist. Harper lee's To Kill a Mockingbird and Gwen Harwood's Father and Child poem both are written in bildungsroman genre. The two texts surround the themes of childhood innocence and maturing to reflect upon universal human experiences. Harper Lee's To Kill a Mockingbird focuses on the protagonist, Scout, and how moves from a state of innocence to one of maturity. At the start of the book, Scout is like any other girl; her ideas are simple and childish.Scouts loss of innocence is portrayed in the Tom Robinson's trial. Most adults of the community insist scout is too young to hear about a trial about rape, however scout replies, â€Å"I most certainly am not, I know every word you're saying. †This shows the loss of innocence in Scout and reflects on the universal human experiences surrounding this theme. Similarly, Gwenn Harwood's Father and Child also uses the bildungsroman genre to depict universal human experiences.Harwood utilizes violent and visual imagery in portraying the child murdering the owl to emphasise the loss of innocence. Also the phrase, â€Å"for what I have begun†suggests that the child has lost their innocence and father's trust. The loss of innocence most certainly represents universal human experiences. Furthermore, Harper Lee displays the maturation in Scout from the beginning of the book to the end. At the beginning of the novel, scout is immature and rude.This is shown as scout fights Walter Cunningham for the reason of â€Å"not having his lunch†. When Scout says, â€Å"Who in this town did anything to help Tom Robinson, just who? †she shows signs of maturation in her ability to understand the issue of racism. Towards the end of the novel, though Scout is still a child, her perspectives on life develop onto a near grown up and this replicates the experiences faced by all humans. Gwen Harwood's Father and Child also shows maturation of the persona through the changes in relationships with her father.With many allusions of nature, Harwood constructs a dynamic backdrop which allow you to realise the subtle shifts in the child's personality. The theme of maturation is one which is presented in the bildungsroman genre to reflect on universal human experiences. As we can gather from the texts; To kill a Mockingbird and Father and Child, the use of bildungsroman genre appeals in its ability to capture universal human experiences. The themes of loss of innocence and maturation depict the universal human experiences in the two texts and reflect on this statement.
Saturday, September 14, 2019
“A Secret Lost in the Water†by Roch Carrier Essay
The story â€Å"A Secret Lost in the Water†by Roch Carrier, is about the importance of valuing something before it is lost. I would recommend this story to others because it conveys a strong reverence for nature on a spiritual level, it teaches the reader to value their elders and appreciate the wisdom and knowledge they pass down, and it treasures the relationship between a father and his son. â€Å"A Secret Lost in the Water†should definitely be read by others because it conveys a strong spiritual veneration for nature. The words â€Å"Piety†and â€Å"Religious†are mentioned whenever the author talks about nature: â€Å"My father opened his pocket and cut the branch he selected with pious care.†This quote expresses the appreciation the father has for living things, and shows the spirituality in his gift by using the word â€Å"pious†. Later on in the story, the father says, â€Å"I’ve just taught you how to find a spring†¦It isn’t something you learn from school.†Through this, I can perceive that practicality is more important to the father than complexity. This story should be read and studied by others because it teaches the reader to value our elders and appreciate the wisdom and knowledge passed down. At the end of story, when the narrator is given a chance to recollect the talent passed down by his father in his early childhood, he struggles to perform the gift. As the narrator fails to hear the gushing water and feel the writhing branch, a fellow farmer says, â€Å"Nowadays fathers can’t pass on anything to the next generation.†This quote is very powerful, since it points directly to a message in the story, â€Å"Nowadays, children aren’t as willing to accept knowledge from their parents.†Also, in Roch’s childhood, the father says, â€Å"A man can get along without arithmetic, but he can never get along without water.†The water is a metaphor describing the skills and lessons his father taught him, and how the gift is vital to their relationship. Soon after, the father mentions that it was something that his father passed on to him, but now it is lost because the narrator claims that â€Å"Somewhere along the roads I had taken from my childhood, I had forgotten my father’s knowledge.†This citation represents the journey mankind is taking today, in the form of a metaphor. â€Å"A Secret Lost in the Water†illustrates and compares the relationship between a father and his child. Roch’s father taught him a gift â€Å"you can’t learn from school†; and something that his own father taught him. Roch inherited the gift from his father, but lost it as life went on, as mentioned earlier in the essay. In addition, the farmer too experiences this moral, for he has the â€Å"finest farm in the area†, and his children do not want to inherit the farm, in which their father spends his whole life preparing for them. This portrays the social issue in the story, inheritance, and exemplifies the importance of valuing something before it is lost. â€Å"A person without the knowledge of their past history, origin, and culture is like a tree without roots†. â€Å"A Secret Lost in the Water†, by Roch Carrier, is a deep and insightful story that should be used to educate mankind. It delivers a strong admiration for nature, it teaches the reader to respect our elders, appreciate the wisdom and knowledge that is passed down to us, and it illustrates the significance of a relationship between father and son.
Friday, September 13, 2019
World Event Analysis Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words - 1
World Event Analysis - Essay Example orate social responsibility projects present companies with an opportunity to impact society building a reputation that can prove to be of advantage in terms of sales. It is worth noting that the group commits its time and resources on social responsibility and volunteerism events. The group collaborates with other organizations in projects and events that target to affect the society. One of these events was the launching of a campaign titled ‘back to school back to health’. This paper will analyze the reasons why the united health group to become a partner and how the event has affected the society and the community. With the emerging promotion of corporate social responsibility, companies face a challenge and an opportunity in fulfilling their responsibility in the social front. It is a requirement and an expectation for each company to contribute towards sustainability and social agenda. Each company must exhibit its commitment to contribute positively. This necessitates companies to respond to collaborations that call for the pursuit of worthy causes. Companies may not plan for these events to their happening. At times, they have to respond when need arises forcing the company to make adjustments in order to exhibit its commitment to worthy causes. On October 14, the united health care, which is a unit of the united health group, launched an event in partnership with 4-H Youth in Texas. The Eat-4-Health partnership targeted to educate people in the importance of healthy eating habits and adequate exercise in combating the prevalence of non-communicable diseases. The 4-H Youth, interested fami lies, and leaders from the community would share a day of fun, health exercises, and tips on healthy living. The united health care had the responsibility of conducting health exercise that can promote calorie breakdown in the body (United Health Group, 2012). Being a leader in the medical insurance industry, promoting healthy-living awareness is one of the
Thursday, September 12, 2019
Marriott International Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words
Marriott International - Essay Example It should be noted that the company tries to occupy different positions on the mind of each customer through its different product lines. After looking at its different positioning strategy, this paper will identify the strategic issues or risks faced by the organization. Lastly, it will also offer recommendations based on the conducted analysis. Marriott International offers an extensive array of accommodation products and services. The company's products range from affordable to luxurious lodging. It can be deduced that the company provides customers with the most basic accommodation packages at lower prices while it also excels in offering the luxury of value added services and fulfilling even the unfulfilled wishes of their guests. Marriott International's portfolio is composed of 16 brands: Marriott's Hotels and Resorts; JW Marriott Hotels and Resort; Renaissance Hotels and Resorts; Courtyard; Residence Inn; Fairfield Inn; Marriott Conference; TownePlace Suites; SpringHill Suites; Marriott Vacation Club International; Horizons; Ritz-Carlton Hotel Company; Ritz-Carlton Club; Marriott Execustay; Marriott Executive Apartment; and Grand Residences (Mariott International 2006). These various brands are marketed using different marketing mixes. However, it can be seen that Marriott International generally uses five major strategies-cost leadership, differentiation, focused cost leadership, focused differentiation, and integrated cost leadership and differentiation. It should be noted that Marriott pursue cost leadership in its Fairfield Inn brand which provides "consistent quality lodging at an affordable price." Differentiation is applied to its luxury brand Ritz Carlton and JW Marriott. It should be noted these hotels offer plain accommodation services but "experiences." Focused differentiation is applied to Marriott Vacation Club, ExecuStay, and Renaissance which accommodates a narrow segment of the market by offering highly differentiated service. The company employs focused cost leadership through its SpringHill Suites. Much of its product line banks on integrated cost leadership and differentiation like Courtyard and TownePlace Suites. The sales trend of Marriott International proves that both corporate and business unit strategies of the firm are working for its benefit. Right now, the company boasts of recording approximately $20 billion. Even though Marriott occupies different places in the mind of its customers, the company was able to strengthen its competitive position through its aggressive marketing efforts. The company was able to avoid confusion by strategically designing marketing mixes which clearly delineates one brand from the other. This was done by differentiating the products, promotion, and price strategies for each brand. What is notable though is Marriott's strong commitment in extending excellent service to its guests. The company often differentiates its products not only on the unique lodging designs and features but also on the service extended by its staff. Marriott banks on its capacity of knowing the needs and wants of its clientele. The company's aggressive effort of instilling unique f eatures to its products in its entire portfolio really paid off. 3.0 Recommendation Since
Wednesday, September 11, 2019
International Business (Globalization) Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words
International Business (Globalization) - Essay Example International businesses are at present largely restricted to their where they originated from, only if we consider their overall business operations and activity; they stay heavily 'nationally rooted' and carry on to be multinational, to a certain extent than translational ,organizations . (Palmisano 2006) While full globalization in this organizational sense may not have occurred on a large scale, these large multinational corporations still have considerable economic and cultural power. Multinationals can impact upon communities in very diverse places. First, they look to establish or contract operations (production, service and sales) in countries and regions where they can exploit cheaper labour and resources. While this can mean additional wealth flowing into those communities, this form of 'globalization' entails significant inequalities. It can moreover, it may lead to outsized scale job loss in especially for those whose industries were in the past located. The wages paid in the recent settings can be nominal, and worker's privileges and conditions pitiable. For instance, a 1998 study of exceptional economic zones in China showed that manufacturers for organizations such as Ralph Lauren, Adidas and Nike were the ones paying low wages, to the extent of 13 cents per hour Second, multinationals continuously look new or else under-exploited markets. They look to increase sales - often by trying to create new needs among different target groups. One example here has been the activities of tobacco companies in southern countries. Another has been the development of the markets predominantly populated by children and young people. There is increasing evidence that this is having a deep effect; that our view of childhood (especially in northern and 'developed' countries) is increasingly the product of 'consumer-media' culture. Furthermore, that culture is underpinned in the sweated work of the 'mothered' children of the so-called 'Third World'. With the aid of various media, the commodity form has increasingly become central to the life of the young of the West, constructing their identities and relationships, their emotional and social worlds. Adults and schools have been negatively positioned in this matrix to the extent that youthful power and pleasure are constructed as that which happens elsewhere - away from adults and schools and mainly with the aid of commodities. Of course such commodification of everyday life is hardly new. Writers like Erich Fromm were commenting on the phenomenon in the early 1950s. However, there has been a significant acceleration and intensification (and globalization) with the rise of the brand (see below) and a heavier focus on seeking to condition children and young people to construct their identities around brands. Third, and linked to the above, we have seen the erosion of pubic space by corporate activities. Significant areas of leisure, for example, have moved from more associational forms like clubs to privatized, commercialized activity. For example, charts this with
Tuesday, September 10, 2019
Street Gang Violence Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words
Street Gang Violence - Research Paper Example Policing force and governments across the world have come up with strategies to control street gangs but the process has become very complicated, Street gangs are always a step ahead of the government control agencies making it a challenge to control them. Street gangs have evolved to be very influential and powerful becoming a major threat to the society and the economy yet they are almost uncontrollable as they are always a step ahead of the relevant agencies and devising strategies that work will be important for the safety of people and economic growth. History of Street Gangs Unlike what most people think, street gangs started many centuries ago in Europe. There were gangs in the in 1600s in England that wore ribbons to identify themselves. In the 17th and 18th century, there were gangs in Germany that did criminal activities. The gangs at the time were made up of two to five members but there were some that had as many as ten or twelve members. These gangs were not really stree t gangs but they started the path to street gangs. After the Industrial revolution in England and Europe, many people in the society became rich. At the same time, there many people who were poor and lived in the slums, which became common at that time. People in the slums were looking for ways to take what the rich had. They formed groups which were mostly made up of young people between the age of 14 and 20 years. Each of the gang wanted to take control of a certain region within the city. Many gangs like the Redskins, Black hands and beehives were formed in the early 19th century. The gangs were spread across Manchester, London and Glasgow (Covey, 2010). At the same time, street gangs also started to be formed in the United States. The forty thieves’ street gang from New York was formed around 1820. This gang is one of the most popular street gangs in the United States. The gang was formed by Irish Immigrants who were trying to take control of New York City. These gangs we re involved in illicit activities like pick pocketing, stealing and violence. Some of the gangs in both Europe and United States were well organized and grew to feared gangs in their regions. At first, gangs were formed by people within a certain age group for example the youth in Europe. As time passed, street gangs evolved to be formed by immigrant minorities in other countries for example the United States. United States was a major hub for immigrants in the 19th century as it was growing and progressing very fast. Irish people were among the first immigrants in the United States. To survive, they formed gangs for example the infamous forty thieves in the New York City. Immigrants from other countries specifically Italy wanted to compete with the Irish Gangs in New York City. At the same time, there were other Irish Immigrants who wanted to form their own street gangs rather than join existing Irish gangs like the forty thieves. By the end of the 19th century, there were more tha n five common influential and powerful gangs in the United States. This country became the new hub for the Street gangs in the world. The gangs were mostly in New York and Chicago at that time. These two cities were the most common with immigrants (Andrews, 2013). United States continued to attract many immigrants from all over the world. Irish, Italian and Polish gangs were most common in the United Sta
Monday, September 9, 2019
Same sexual-marriage Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words
Same sexual-marriage - Essay Example First, on the historical ground, it is noted that the first recoded statement of people with the same biological sex who fall in love was in U.S, the University of Minnesota. Two students by the name John Richard and his lover McConnel Micheal fell in love, and when the pleasure grew to uncontrollable situation, they matched to county district court, for a request of marriage (Burns 120). This dramatic event occurred in 1970, particularly the eighth day of the fifth month. Unfortunately, it is in tabulation that the Court- Clerk by then Mr. Nelson Gerald declined the application, on the ground that both the applicants were men. This marked the beginning of  unending journey of love. With the knowledge they had concerning Minnesota law, the two applicants went ahead to sue Nelson, who was the Clerk by then handling the case, arguing that Minnesota laws do not mention anything to do with gender. In favor of Nelson, the trial court was not impressed with the claim and so they agre ed with Nelson. Nonetheless, the two lovers went ahead to seek the Supreme Courts intervention (Edwards 232). Still, since it was the first thing to be heard in America, the couple faced a rebuff again. However, the journey had been ignited. After several rejection and constitutional bans on the same sexual marriage, the Netherlands opened up. It is documented that in 1979, the Netherland country loosened up to the extent of adopting the unregistered cohabitation. Therefore, couple of the same sex could cohabitate, although not under a registered permit. This further, was forced to enter into scheme on the ground of being a civil status in rent law. Consequently, Netherlands was the first country to embrace same sexual marriage, and that they permitted the couples to apply for limited rights on the same. This wave moved across the world
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